عرض 13–24 من أصل 61 نتيجة

إظهار الشريط الجانبي

Fatma Braids

21745 - Fatima said: It is the right hand and we do not have to go back to warn or realize the results, the hand with which my mother makes everything ... How will you carry my brother? How will you feed him? How will you sew? How will you cook? And who appoints it in our absence? My braids, who are after you, mom? Who brush my curly hair? Who bears its difficulty and weight? Only the tenderness of your hands breaks his stubbornness! "Braids of Fatima" is a story that took place in March 1974.

Fetam Sara

21551 - A story that prepares the child with love and tenderness to move from breastfeeding to weaning, in a gentle and easy manner A child can accept her with a pleasant weaning story.

Fetam Yousef

21552 - A story that prepares the child with love and tenderness to move from breastfeeding to weaning, in a gentle and easy manner The child can accept him Quote the story of Fatam Yusuf  

Haleb Mama

21369 - قصة حليب ماما: تشرح مفهوم الرضاعة الطبيعية بشكل بسيط للطفل، تناسب الأخ الأكبر المنتظر لقدوم أخ جديد ويرغب أهله في تجهيزه نفسيا لمعنى الرضاعة وماتتطلب من اهتمام للطفل الجديد، وكذلك تناسب الطفل المحاط بأمهات مرضعات من العائلة والأصدقاء، أو ببساطة لكل طفل قد تكون لديه تساؤلات أو لإعادة برمجة الجيل الجديد على فطرة الرضاعة الطبيعية وأنها الخيار البيولوجي في زمن سيطرت عليه ثقافة الرضاعة الصناعية في الوسائل الإعلامية.

Hassan And Day’S Moon

21739 - The moon saw Hassan in the early morning on his way to school, and asked about the secret of his appearance in the daytime, times with his mother, a journey of research and endeavor to solve this mystery, and with the help of the Kuwaiti scientific club and simplification from his parents, he was able to know the secret of the moon's appearance during the day. The second edition of the story 2019 was released.

Hassan Is Smarter Than The Robot – Arabic

21737 - The story of a child who believes that the robot is stronger, smarter and more accurate than man, is interviewed by his mother so that he can change this idea to the right idea and concludes by himself that the robot is man-made and that man is the smartest. The story received a list of honors in the book of cooperation for the Arab 12 Project. The second edition of the story was published in 2019.

Hassan Is Smarter Than The Robot – English

21742 - This story is a translation of the text of Hassan Smarter than the Robot into English.

Hekayat Ramla

24049 – لَيْسَ مِنْ حَقِّ أَيِّ فَردٍ أَنْ يُقَلِّلَ مِنْ قَدْرِ أَحَدٍ كُلٌّ مِنّا في الحَياةِ خُلِقَ لِيؤدّي رِسالَةً ما

Hermas, The Bully Small Tiger Story, +3

21453 - Hermas, a small tiger enjoys anooyting others. Guess ... Will Hermas continue in that ? A story about bullying, aiming to promote affection, kindness and sharing respect.

How Many?

22115 - Thank God I hear it in our house every morning and every evening. Today, for example, I heard it five times? ?No, but six times? ?I don't know, maybe nine times. I really don't know how many times, but open the pages of this book and let us read, how many times have I heard today, thank God.

I Want A Bang

21740 - Alaa wanted to have a bang like her friend, and wondered why my hair does not fit in the sunset? Is there no way? One day, without thinking, she stood up in front of the mirror, and made herself with a funny surprise, what will she do with Alaa and the feast next day? How will she face her mother and others?

Laila Mn Bad Al Theab

24038 – مَنْ مِنْكُمْ لَمْ يَقرَأ أو يَسْمَعْ عَنْ قِصَّتي مَعَ الذِّئبِ؟ ما سَمِعتُموهُ لَيسَ إِلّا نِصْفَ القِصَّةِ لِهَذا قَرَّرْتُ