Ana Salem
21262 – سالم طفل مسالم، تنتابه أحياناً حالة غريبة! فيتجنبه زملاؤه في المدرسة، لأنهم لا يفهمون ما الذي يحدث له؟!
العلامة التجارية: داينو
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21368 - قصة بهجة: هناك شعورٌ يسمى البهجة. لا أعرف كيف أصفه أو أشرحه، أستشعره أحياناً برفقة الأحباب، وأحياناً برفقة جمال الطبيعة والامتنان وشكر الله، ودائماً يلازمني برفقة الكتاب والإنجاز. وأكثر أوقاتي بهجةً تكون بالعطاء وحب الخير والسلام… ماذا عنك أنت يا صديقي؟ أخبرني… ما الذي يبهجك في الحياة؟
العلامة التجارية: دعاء الدريس
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Bashars Dinar
27393 - The story teaches children to divide money smartly. And get used to using money correctly from a young age.
العلامة التجارية: داينو
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Bearish My Grandfather
21743 - The grandfather introduced his grandson Muhammad to the types of prayer beads that he kept, and he told him the secret of his love for a simple rosary. His favorite Rosary. Rosary of my grandfather was chosen within the 2018 Chevron Reading Cup competition organized by the Emirates Literature Foundation. The story reached the short list of Etisalat Award for Best Fee.
العلامة التجارية: داينو
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Dinoo Gift Story
21487 - Dino Dinosaur is a little boy who loves to play, and his parents gave him a gift that he always dreamed of.
What was the gift?
A story about a subject that children attach to tablets and treat it in an interesting way that mimics the child's imagination.
Suitable for children aged 3-10 years.
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العلامة التجارية: د. هديل
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Fatema And The ATM
27392 - The story is concerned with developing the child's financial intelligence, as Fatma gets to know the ATM and the bank's credit card.
العلامة التجارية: داينو
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Fatma Braids
21745 - Fatima said: It is the right hand and we do not have to go back to warn or realize the results, the hand with which my mother makes everything ... How will you carry my brother? How will you feed him? How will you sew? How will you cook? And who appoints it in our absence? My braids, who are after you, mom? Who brush my curly hair? Who bears its difficulty and weight? Only the tenderness of your hands breaks his stubbornness! "Braids of Fatima" is a story that took place in March 1974.
العلامة التجارية: داينو
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Fetam Sara
21551 - A story that prepares the child with love and tenderness to move from breastfeeding to weaning, in a gentle and easy manner A child can accept her with a pleasant weaning story.
العلامة التجارية: داينو
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Fetam Yousef
21552 - A story that prepares the child with love and tenderness to move from breastfeeding to weaning, in a gentle and easy manner
The child can accept him Quote the story of Fatam Yusuf
العلامة التجارية: داينو
إضافة إلى السلة